Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Alumni Update: Sarah Rorimer

We are in the midst of major changes at the high school where I teach here in New York City. It's a very exciting to be on the leading edge of education reform!

This year, I'm teaching 11th and 12th grade students from Bangladesh, China, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, India, Korea, Mexico, Paraguay and Yemen, and I feel fortunate to work in such an international environment. Meanwhile, I'm doing an administrative internship and earning credits toward my administrative license to become a school building leader.

I'm ever grateful to the American Home for getting me going in the field of education, and for providing me with a firm foundation of English grammar teaching skills.

Sarah Rorimer, 2003-05 (Lead Teacher, 2004-05)
(ESL Teacher & Coordinator, Long Island City High School, Queens, New York)